The Bunny Bouquet features fresh lemons and soft hues of green and white, making this beautiful bouquet perfect for any occasion. Expertly arranged by one of our talented florists. Flowers are arranged in pre-conditioned water and is designed to be displayed complete - no vase or floristry skills needed.
At Jennifleurs all our bouquets are made to order at a price point you choose. Extra flower value is added accordingly whilst maintaining the overall colour selection and style.
Same day delivery throughout the Colchester area is available for orders placed online before 12 noon - if you are looking for a last minute delivery after our 12 noon online cut off please give us a call as we are often able to accommodate.
Our local delivery charge is included within the price shown on our website. Outlying areas over 10 miles from our shop location will face a surcharge and 24 hours notice and is subject to availability - please call ahead for more details.
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).