Great Bentley Funeral Flowers


Funeral and sympathy flowers delivered daily to Great Bentley by your Colchester florist Jennifleurs.


Our website only shows a small selection of our funeral flowers. At Jennifleurs we have a library of 1000’s of floral tributes all of which have been made and designed by ourselves. If you are able to visit the shop we will be happy to show you many more designs. If you do not see what you are looking for on our website please drop us an email, if we have a picture of a design you are looking for we can email it directly to you.

Funeral flower orders will always take delivery priority. Floral tributes are usually delivered to the appropriate Colchester funeral directors 2 hours before the service. If you are unsure of the funeral arrangements we will be happy to check this out with our local Colchester Crematorium and Cemetery’s. The ladies there will know which funeral directors is dealing with the funeral arrangements and what time the flowers will need to be delivered. We are also able to accommodate any special delivery requests by prior arrangement.

At Jennifleurs we have a private order taking area where one of our expert florist will help and advise you on suitable funeral tributes. Jennifleurs has on site free parking. 

For the past 10 years Jennifleurs has enjoyed a close working relationship with all the Colchester funeral directors. 

We make daily funeral flower deliveries to: 

Hunnaball Funeral Service Mersea Rd Colchester

John J Smiths Bourne Rd Colchester

The Co-Op Funeral Service Wimpole Road Colchester, 

Gwinnells Funeral Service Ipswich Road Colchester, 

Shepherds Funeral Service High Street Colchester, 

Paskells Funeral Services High Street Manningtree. 


By special arrangement we are also able to deliver to:

The Independent Funeral Directors Oakley Road Dovercourt, 

Titfords Funeral Services Old Road Clacton on Sea, 

Lesley Barlows Funeral Directors Carnarvon Road Clacton on Sea, 

The Co-Op Funeral Services St Andrews Road Clacton on Sea


At Jennifleurs we are extremely proud of the quality service and beautiful floral tributes we provide for our customers in Colchester. We recognise that not everyone requires elaborate or contemporary designs and we aim to offer a range of floral tributes to suit different tastes and budgets but always strive to offer value for money and quality. Every floral tribute, no matter how big or small, is made to order by one of our experienced florists. If you have a specific request in terms of colour,  flower varieties or designs we will be happy to offer our advice and an individual quote if required.